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Blog de Quese, dedicado a la música, tecnología, el universo, links aleatorios y otras yerbas. Ubicado en Montevideo, Uruguay, y posteando casi diariamente desde 1984!
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Bizcocho Maligno 2.0

Oblique Strategies

In 1975, Peter Schmidt and Brian Eno created the original pack of Oblique Strategies cards, through thinking about approaches to their own work as artist and musician.
The Oblique Strategies constitute a set of over 100 cards, each of which is a suggestion of a course of action or thinking to assist in creative situations.

Es una serie de cartas, con frasecitas. Como una especie de Guia de Autoayuda pero a lo Brian Eno.

El contenido me parecio muy interesante...:

Change instrument roles

Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element

Discover the recipes you are using and abandon them

Don't be afraid of things because they're easy to do

Don't be frightened of cliches

Left channel, right channel, centre channel

Listen in total darkness, or in a very large room, very quietly

Repetition is a form of change


What wouldn't you do?

Make an exhaustive list of everything you might do and do the last thing on the list

Aca hay una página al respecto. Y aqui se las pueden bajar en version programita para Windows.