Link de la Semana
Todas las confesiones son anónimas
Algunas de ellas pueden contener ideas o palabras ofensivas para algunos. Las Confesiones son tal cual nosotros las vemos. No son siempre lindas pero a menudo son iluminadoras.
Un sitio web de confesiones. Eso simplemente, y la verdad es que el resultado es realmente bello.
i have been whatching porn sites a lot, i feel guilty for that, Im a 24 years old male, IM N O T gay, i was abussed when little, sometimes seeing porno over the internet "relief" my natural urges, but I keep falling into sin, when whatching little males over the internet, i wish i could do something about it, each time after i jerkoff, i promisse myself NOT to keep doing that, its WRONG.
I am the prettiest girl in my group of friends. Guys are afraid to approach me because I'm so smart, beautiful and confident. They think they don't have a chance with me. They think I'm too good for them. They're right.
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