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Bizcocho Maligno 2.0

Éxito en 15 dias

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah are a band that, less than a year ago, were making music without the help of a record label, pressing CDs themselves and selling them at concerts and on the Internet. Then the following happened: June 9: Dan Bierne writes about the band on his MP3 blog, June 14: Pitchfork Media posts a review of the song "In This Home On Ice", June 15: Blogger Gothamist posts an interview with the band, June 20: Blogger Stereogum announces the band's show at the Knitting Factory, June 21: Gothamist reports that David Bowie was in the audience at the Knitting Factory show, and June 22: Pitchfork posts one of a slew of reviews of Clap's first album.

(de un post de metafilter)

Sinceramente, no tenia nidea de que habia sido, tan, tan rápido. Poner el disco para bajar, temas gratis, el material es bueno, poppy, y catchy, y por blogs y mp3s blog y el boca al boca llegan a una review en la Pitchfork, lo cual atrae miles y miles de ocmpradores. En quince dias. Interesante.