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Blog de Quese, dedicado a la música, tecnología, el universo, links aleatorios y otras yerbas. Ubicado en Montevideo, Uruguay, y posteando casi diariamente desde 1984!
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Bizcocho Maligno 2.0

3XMARSHALL JCM800 100WATT AMPLIFIERS that have been tested recently. And when i said "recently", I don´t mean "sometime in the three weeks preceding the occasion when it fell 5 metres off the top shelf in the warehouse as we were forklifting it back up, after it came back from that Insane Clown Pussy Gig where they had the "Piss on the Live Marshall Amplifier Competition". No! I mean RECENTLY. Within living memory. Preferably that of a goldfish.

Esto es uno de los textos más graciosos que lei en mucho tiempo.
La lista de requerimientos para un show de Iggy y los Stooges. Genial.